Saturday, May 26, 2018

Brokerages Anticipate Cohu, Inc. (COHU) to Post $0.42 EPS

Equities research analysts expect Cohu, Inc. (NASDAQ:COHU) to report $0.42 earnings per share for the current quarter, according to Zacks. Two analysts have made estimates for Cohu’s earnings, with the highest EPS estimate coming in at $0.48 and the lowest estimate coming in at $0.32. Cohu reported earnings per share of $0.48 during the same quarter last year, which suggests a negative year over year growth rate of 12.5%. The business is scheduled to issue its next quarterly earnings results on Thursday, July 26th.

According to Zacks, analysts expect that Cohu will report full year earnings of $1.72 per share for the current financial year, with EPS estimates ranging from $1.67 to $1.75. For the next year, analysts expect that the company will post earnings of $2.03 per share, with EPS estimates ranging from $2.00 to $2.06. Zacks’ earnings per share averages are an average based on a survey of research analysts that that provide coverage for Cohu.

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Cohu (NASDAQ:COHU) last announced its earnings results on Tuesday, May 8th. The semiconductor company reported $0.36 EPS for the quarter, topping the Zacks’ consensus estimate of $0.33 by $0.03. Cohu had a return on equity of 14.10% and a net margin of 9.33%. The company had revenue of $95.20 million for the quarter, compared to analysts’ expectations of $93.07 million. During the same period last year, the firm earned $0.24 EPS. Cohu’s revenue for the quarter was up 17.4% compared to the same quarter last year.

A number of equities analysts recently commented on the company. BidaskClub raised Cohu from a “buy” rating to a “strong-buy” rating in a report on Saturday, May 12th. Dougherty & Co reaffirmed a “buy” rating on shares of Cohu in a report on Wednesday, February 21st. Stifel Nicolaus raised Cohu from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report on Tuesday, May 8th. Zacks Investment Research raised Cohu from a “sell” rating to a “buy” rating and set a $27.00 price target on the stock in a report on Wednesday, April 18th. Finally, ValuEngine raised Cohu from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating in a report on Friday, February 2nd. One investment analyst has rated the stock with a hold rating, five have given a buy rating and one has issued a strong buy rating to the company’s stock. Cohu presently has a consensus rating of “Buy” and an average target price of $24.80.

In other Cohu news, Director William Bendush sold 3,000 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Thursday, May 17th. The stock was sold at an average price of $23.20, for a total transaction of $69,600.00. The transaction was disclosed in a legal filing with the SEC, which can be accessed through this link. 3.88% of the stock is owned by company insiders.

A number of large investors have recently bought and sold shares of COHU. BlackRock Inc. increased its holdings in shares of Cohu by 7.9% in the first quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 3,993,647 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $91,096,000 after purchasing an additional 293,537 shares during the last quarter. Cooke & Bieler LP increased its holdings in shares of Cohu by 11.4% in the first quarter. Cooke & Bieler LP now owns 1,077,278 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $24,573,000 after purchasing an additional 110,498 shares during the last quarter. Royce & Associates LP increased its holdings in shares of Cohu by 2.4% in the fourth quarter. Royce & Associates LP now owns 1,067,533 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $23,432,000 after purchasing an additional 25,019 shares during the last quarter. Systematic Financial Management LP increased its holdings in shares of Cohu by 9.8% in the first quarter. Systematic Financial Management LP now owns 858,128 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $19,574,000 after purchasing an additional 76,478 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Northern Trust Corp increased its holdings in shares of Cohu by 10.9% in the first quarter. Northern Trust Corp now owns 444,241 shares of the semiconductor company’s stock worth $10,133,000 after purchasing an additional 43,602 shares during the last quarter. 87.24% of the stock is currently owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.

Cohu stock traded down $0.20 during trading on Friday, reaching $24.24. The company had a trading volume of 376,670 shares, compared to its average volume of 405,018. Cohu has a 52 week low of $15.55 and a 52 week high of $26.17. The stock has a market cap of $703.83 million, a P/E ratio of 18.09, a P/E/G ratio of 2.01 and a beta of 0.96. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.02, a quick ratio of 3.00 and a current ratio of 3.81.

The firm also recently declared a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Friday, July 27th. Shareholders of record on Friday, June 15th will be issued a dividend of $0.06 per share. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, June 14th. This represents a $0.24 dividend on an annualized basis and a yield of 0.99%. Cohu’s dividend payout ratio is presently 17.91%.

About Cohu

Cohu, Inc, through its subsidiaries, engages in the development, manufacture, sale, and servicing of semiconductor test and inspection handlers, micro-electro mechanical system (MEMS) test modules, test contactors, and thermal sub-systems for semiconductor manufacturers and test subcontractors worldwide.

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