Saturday, March 21, 2015

Top 10 Internet Stocks To Watch For 2015

Top 10 Internet Stocks To Watch For 2015: Inc.(AMZN), Inc. operates as an online retailer in North America and internationally. It operates retail Web sites, including and The company serves consumers through its retail Web sites and focuses on selection, price, and convenience. It also offers programs that enable sellers to sell their products on its Web sites, and their own branded Web sites. In addition, the company serves developer customers through Amazon Web Services, which provides access to technology infrastructure that developers can use to enable virtually various type of business. Further, it manufactures and sells the Kindle e-reader. Additionally, the company provides fulfillment; miscellaneous marketing and promotional agreements, such as online advertising; and co-branded credit cards., Inc. was founded in 1994 and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington.

Advisors' Opinion:

    Here's a glimpse of healthy foods and trends I think we'll be tasting more of in 2015: 1. Riffs on Hot Veggies For the past couple of years, people have been asking me what the "next kale" is going to be. Cauliflower gave it a solid try this year, but it didn't quite have the crowd appeal that kale has commanded. But perhaps in 2015 we'll get another sizzling hot vegetable in the form of kale sprouts, also known as kalettes, BrusselKale and lollipop kale. Kale sprouts are a cross between red Russian kale and Brussels sprouts, and look like a tiny head of kale. Their flavor is peppery and their texture crisp. You can use them like you'd use kale -- in salads or sautéed with olive oil and garlic. We're also set to see more availability of vegetables, like rainbow carrots and broccoflower -- a cross between cauliflower and broccoli -- that have previously been limited to farmers markets. 2. Up ! in Smoke According to "Supermarket Guru" Phil Lempert, we'll be seeing lots more smoked foods in the coming year. Smoked salt made its debut about five years ago, and the trend has been gaining steam ever since. Lempert says we'll be seeing smoked vegetables, butters and even cocktails in 2015. 3. Bitter Beckons Americans seem to finally be getting over their love affair with all things sweet and are experimenting with the alluring bite of bitter. From craft IPAs to Negronis and straight up bitters, we've been getting our acerbic on at the bar. According to restaurant consulting firm Baum and Whiteman's annual trend report, we'll be seeing bitter chocolate, more bitter greens and bitter coffee used in savory dishes. Plus, turmeric -- the ancient anti-inflammatory spice with a strong flavor and deep yellow-orange color -- continues to show up in teas and other beverages. 4. 50 Shades of Green Baum and Whiteman declare that pistachios are the "nut of the year" for 2015. Perhaps it's due to those wacky Stephen Colbert commercials or their Mediterranean origins,

  • [By Sam Mattera]

    Amazon's (NASDAQ: AMZN  ) latest device, Echo, is in a class of its own. At its core, Echo is a bluetooth speaker, but one that offers impressive functionality. Equipped with seven microphones and a WiFi connection, Echo serves as a digital personal assistant, able to take voice commands and respond intelligently.

  • source from Top Stocks For 2015:

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